Tag Archives: Family

I’m alive! I promise!

It has been an INSANE week. After weeks and weeks of sending out resumes and going on interviews for part-time and temporary jobs, I finally got not one but TWO offers! And the best part is, I can do them both as the hours don’t overlap.

The best part is, after two years of being self-employed and working from home, I get to get out of the house! I love the work I currently do, and it was fantastic while I was in school. It was also an escape, a way for me to hide away from the world, which was exactly what I wanted when I wasn’t eating right, exercising, or taking care of myself. I hated how I looked and just wanted to shut the world out. I did that, but now that I’ve lost almost 50 pounds (wow, I still can’t believe it), I have a lot more self-confidence and I just want to get out of the house!

I think that is an even better feeling than the physical stuff that’s come from weight loss and exercise. I love that I want to be out among people again. I am such a people person and although, like I said, I love the teaching I do from home, I can;t wait to start getting out and meeting and working with people.

So another exciting thing from last week…I went to my family reunion in North Carolina! It was an eight-hour drive down and back (ugh) but I had iPpy McSkinny and my mom and dad, so we kept ourselves amused. There are 20+ people in my family, so we rented this huge house on Lake Norman:

It had eight bedrooms, a huge game room, kayaks, a paddleboat, a FIRE PIT, a game room, a beach volleyball court….It was flippin’ amazing. I used my weekend away to partake in fun activities, such as paddleboating with my cousin Jennifer:

Hello there!

It was a good thigh workout, I’ll tell you that.

And this was the view of the lake from the house:

Not too shabby, huh?

I did attempt to do week 7 day 3 of C25K and I’m sad to say I failed miserably. The winding road leading to the house is a bit…hillier….than I’m used to, so I had to call it quits. I did however walk/jog for an hour, as well as do a little paddleboating and canoeing.

I did NOT, however, count points. This was the first time since being on Weight Watchers that I didn’t even make an attempt. However, I kept portions in mind and I never felt stuffed at any point, like I’d overeaten. And you know what? If I have a gain next week, I’ll get it off the week after. I had a fantastic time and I don’t regret one delicious morsel!!!

Finally, in  a few short hours, I will be getting my hair done.  I had to cancel last weeks appointment (sadness) because of training for one of my news jobs.

Can I just tell you how excited I am? Basically I’m going to tell her to do whatever she wants, as long as she keeps the general length. I want a bangin’ color, and I do not want subtlety. I want cars swerving on the road as I’m running my little tush off because they’re mesmerized by my hair. Seriously.

So, here is the “Before” photo, taken literally two minutes ago:

I’ll be back after my first day at my spiffy new job and I will show you all my (hopefully) bangin’ new haircut!!!!


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